Sunday, December 31, 2006


it took me an intery long year to explain all my political point view.

economical....leasing...the european maintenace on the euro and why, strategic and finantial.

my nationalist support...and why?...


log in, to system.

ships to cut power.

respect Cuba.....and why?

but, however i am not an hipocrit.

so, i gave the order to kill giuliana.

again....arabs respect strong positions not weak enemies. arabs do not apreciate comunism. because..culture, religion, economics, etctrá....
so, joining Jihad is a total stupidity. and do not aloud or tolerate, no more stupidy.

therefore that situation, brings us to the error.

when ever needed it, and if friendly or unfriendly services are in front of the target, you do not do it.

did i make my self clear....democracy???


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